It's not you, it's us!
As our long standing clients know, we've been around for a while. With 2020 being a bit rubbish (to say the least), we decided we needed a brand update to cheer us all up and ring in 2021 with a new face and here it is. We are now Mad About Accountancy Ltd. We always were but now it's official! We needed a new look and a new name to better reflect us and our business. Happy, mad, bonkers tea drinkers! Please bear with us while we get busy updating everything we need to. Thanks, Pauline. This is good news.
The UK Government has reviewed the terms of the scheme and announced that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) will remain at the current level of 80% of usual wages for the hours not worked, and will be extended until the end of April 2021. See for further details. We can't help feeling a little festive at the moment. What a year we've all had!
I think we could all do with a little Christmas cheer. Hence, we've giving a little Christmas lift to our website. We hope you like it! Who doesn't love a snowman? Pauline x |
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